
Profiling GPU code is harder than profiling Julia code executing on the CPU. For one, kernels typically execute asynchronously, and thus require appropriate synchronization when measuring their execution time. Furthermore, because the code executes on a different processor, it is much harder to know what is currently executing.

Time measurements

For robust measurements, it is advised to use the BenchmarkTools.jl package which goes to great lengths to perform accurate measurements. Due to the asynchronous nature of GPUs, you need to ensure the GPU is synchronized at the end of every sample, e.g. by calling synchronize() or, even better, wrapping your code in Metal.@sync:

Note that the allocations as reported by BenchmarkTools are CPU allocations.

Application tracing

For profiling large applications, simple timings are insufficient. Instead, we want an overview of how and when the GPU was active to avoid times where the device was idle and/or find which kernels needs optimization.

As we cannot use the Julia profiler for this task, we will use Metal's GPU profiler directly. Use the Metal.@profile macro to surround the code code of interest. This macro tells your system to track GPU calls and usage statistics and will save this information in a temporary folder ending in '.trace'. For later viewing, copy this folder to a stable location or use the 'dir' argument of the profile macro to store the gputrace to a different location directly.

The resulting trace can be opened with the Instruments app, part of Xcode.

julia> using Metal

julia> function vadd(a, b, c)
           i = thread_position_in_grid_1d()
           c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
julia> a = MtlArray([1]); b = MtlArray([2]); c = similar(a);

julia> Metal.@profile @metal threads=length(c) vadd(a, b, c);
[ Info: System trace saved to julia_3.trace; open the resulting trace in Instruments

It is possible to augment the trace with additional information by using signposts: Similar to NVTX markers and ranges in CUDA.jl, signpost intervals and events can be used to add respectively time intervals and points of interest to the trace. This can be done by using the signpost functionality from ObjectiveC.jl:

using ObjectiveC, .OS

@signpost_interval "My Interval" begin
    # code to profile
    @signpost_event "My Event"

For more information, e.g. how to pass additional messages to the signposts, or how to use a custom logger, consult the ObjectiveC.jl documentation, or the docstrings of the @signpost_interval and @signpost_event macros.

Frame capture

For more details on specific operations, you can use Metal's frame capture feature to generate a more detailed, and replayable trace of the GPU operations. This requires that Julia is started with the METAL_CAPTURE_ENABLED environment variable set to 1. Frames are captured by wrapping the code of interest in Metal.@capture, and the resulting trace can be opened with Xcode.


julia> using Metal

julia> function vadd(a, b, c)
           i = thread_position_in_grid_1d()
           c[i] = a[i] + b[i]

julia> a = MtlArray([1]); b = MtlArray([2]); c = similar(a);
... Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled

julia> Metal.@capture @metal threads=length(c) vadd(a, b, c);
[ Info: GPU frame capture saved to julia_1.gputrace; open the resulting trace in Xcode